jeudi 5 mars 2015

Marcello Barenghi's hyperrealism

"This drawing took me 6 hours and 25 minutes!"

Almost all of his speed-drawing videos on his youtube channel start with a similar sentence. Marcello Barenghi is the artist who can reproduce on paper with his different materials your burger, your shoe, your glass of water and whatever he wishes to immortalize. He was born (1969) and raised in Milan. The Italian illustrator says on his official instagram account that he stopped drawing at the age of 23 and got back to it after 20 years. One must admit that it is definetely worth it. Barenghi doesn't miss the tiniest detail in the drawing of objects that you might use your hand to check whether it is real or not.

These are some of the hyperrealistic drawings of Barenghi:

And if you're wondering about the early doodlings of Barenghi here is one of his first drawings at the age of 18 months.


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