jeudi 12 mars 2015

271 ans avant Pantone

Bien avant le nuancier Pantone (PMS), en 1692, un artiste connu sous le nom de “A. Boogert” S'est mis à écrire un livre sur le mélange des couleurs à l'aquarelle. Il n'a pas seulement commencé avec une introduction sur l'utilisation des couleurs dans la peinture, mais il a surtout démontré comment on peut créer certaines nuances et les changer en ajoutant une, deux ou trois gouttelettes d'eau.

Le livre est disponible en haute résolution ici:

Vous pouvez aussi avoir le nuancier Pantone en PDF ici:

mardi 10 mars 2015

African women's Graffitti

Margaret Courtney-Clarke is a photojournalist who has spent more than 20 years traveling in Africa, recording the art of African women (Ndebele Women) which she calls another form of art. She named this series 'African Canvas'.

They ornament their houses with beautiful drawings and patterns inspired from their culture and from the spirit of their ancestors using only colorful paint and their fingers.


lundi 9 mars 2015

Feminity Overload

I am glad I have stumbled upon this fine set of photographs by Meghan Kay Sadler to share it with you even if it is a little bit late for Women's day. But let me point out one tiny thing to everyone reading this article: Every moment in every second in every minute in every single hour in each and every day IS women's day.

The specificity of this series called 'Ballet Inspired Photography' is that it reveals the subtlety  and delicacy of the photographed girl and women in general by capturing the details of the ballet backstage. These details go from the ribbon to the smoothness of the silky dress to the silhouette of the fingers.

Here is a selection of the series:


dimanche 8 mars 2015

Minimal Clever illustrations

Minimal illustrations by Sergio Ingravalle limited to red, white and black entitled "Mindshots" deliver explicit messages about
 the modern society, technology addiction and other various perceptions about life.

On his inspirtation of this project, Ingravalle says: 

"Everyday I illustrate one thought that flashes through my mind during the day. The subjects or themes come from my daily life while working, watching a movie, reading the newspaper, hanging out with friends or being bored in the dentist’s waiting room."

This is a selection of some of the illustrations from the Minddshot series:


jeudi 5 mars 2015

Unusual Portraits of Wild Animals

Lukas Holas: An artist who refers to himself as 'a small-town photographer and a graphic designer from the Czech Republic' on Behance takes pictures of wild animals in the zoo and transforms the pictures into these beautifully contrasted black and white tableaux. The black and white tones are well refined to highlight the details of animals' figures and portraits.
